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Hyundai Genesis Coupe

Clutch Rods (V2)

If you have an aftermarket clutch, or the stock clutch simply doesn't engage in the right spot for your driving style, then you need an adjustable clutch rod.


The stock rod is plastic which can wear down over time and has no adjustment built in. That means regardless of your clutch wear or any give in the hydraulic system, your clutch engagement point will be whatever it wants to be.

Total installation time is usually 20 minutes. You will need to bleed the clutch if you remove the master cylinder for installation (see install video below). Once this is installed for the first time, future adjustments take as little as 30 seconds with no clutch bleeding required.


These adjustable clutch rods work in all manual transmission Hyundai Genesis Coupes regardless of BK1 or BK2, 3.8 or 2.0.


These can be installed dry but for best results and the smoothest operation, we recommend adding a bit of grease to the master cylinder contact area (where the rod end meets the piston) and around the pin and bushing on the pedal. We ship a small packet of grease with every order so you don't need to buy a huge tube for a small modification.


The cost of an adjustable clutch rod is $90 which includes shipping, tracking, and insurance anywhere in the USA. If you live outside of the USA, we can still ship but this will take a custom shipping quote (Click here to request a shipping quote).



To place an order, please send $90 USD via PayPal (click here) . Please do not use friends and family. I know people want to save us the fee, but "Goods and Services" makes shipping and order tracking easier and also gives free buyer protection which we always recommend for any online transaction.


Shipping time: We ship all orders every Monday. Please understand that I make these on the weekends and do not operate as a full time shop. Since these are now fully machined in house, we will be making all weekly orders place before Friday 9 pm EST during the weekend. We will ship all orders on Monday via USPS flat rate the following week. Flat rate normally takes 2 to 3 business days to be delivered so it's usually there before the coming weekend.



  • Why is there a new version?

    • The original rod was a modified cast part that was discontinued in 2019. Rather than hire my own foundry and pay for tooling costs I'd never recoup, I decided it was easier and cheaper for the community to redesign the rods from scratch.

  • Why is this made from steel and not aluminum/plastic?​

    • The biggest issue with the clutch rods is wear on the inner hole that mounts to the clutch pedal. More and more higher mileage Genesis Coupes have OEM plastic clutch rods that completely worn through causing the eyelet to be oval which adds a lot of slop into the pedal.

    • During our production of V1 clutch rods, we overbored the eyelet to allow for an easier install of the clutch rod (due to the angle of install and tight space). In order to keep the tight pedal feel and minimize slop, we used an aluminum bushing. This was fine for most stock cars up through stage 2 or 3 clutch (varies based on clamp load), however, we had a few customers with stage 3, 4, or race clutches write back after a year showing that the bushings were completely destroyed (see 5th picture above). For these customers, we upgraded them to a 316L stainless steel bushing free of charge. Going forward, all clutch rods will be 100% steel with the bushing being made from 316L stainless steel which will resist wear at the contact area with the pedal. This means the rod will be just as easy to install and adjust AND take all the abuse you can throw at it.

    • See picture 5 above called "Why we stopped using aluminum"

  • Why is this more expensive than before?​

    • Since the parts are machined from raw steel, there is significantly more labor involved​ in making a single clutch rod. The time on the lathe is much longer, the tooling gets worn down faster, the parts now have a TIG welded joint, etc.

  • If I order today, when will it be made and shipped to me?​

    • All orders placed during the week (until 9pm EST) will be shipped on the following Monday. That's a manufacturing and turn around time of 1 business day for it to be on its way.

  • How do I install an adjustable clutch rod?

    • Check out the video below!​


If you have any other questions or want clarification, please feel free to email me here

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